Kristi Smith
I have had a love and dedication to training dogs my entire life. I began training dogs competitively in my teenage years when I began showing Rough Collies and Doberman Pinschers in Conformation and Obedience Classes for my parents and began training dogs professionally in 1981. I titled my first Breed Champion, a Doberman Pinscher, when I was only 13 years old. In 1982 I joined the Victoria Dog Obedience Club where I was an active member and Obedience Instructor teaching Novice, Open, Utility and Puppy Classes and was on one of the first Agility Teams in the United States. Throughout the years, I have constantly expanded my education in regards to dog training and in particular working with difficult behavioral issues such as aggression. I specialize in evaluating behavioral issues and defining programs to assist owners in overcoming these issues with their canine companions. I am quite often requested to be an Expert Witness as well as Evaluate dogs who have bite histories for the courts. Additionally, I am considered an expert in Scent Detection training for dogs, with over 37 years of training various Scent Detection dogs.

I am a Certified Veterinary Technician and have served on the Board of Directors for the Veterinary Health Care Team of Arizona since 2002. I served as the Education Committee Chairman from 2002-2009, setting educational opportunities for Veterinary Staff statewide, I served from 2008-2009 as the President. I continually work with and collaborate with Veterinarians and Veterinary Staff on educational programs for the general public as an advocate for keeping pets in their homes through proper training and reducing the numbers of pets in shelters by spaying and neutering.
I have been a member of the International Association of Canine Professionals (IACP) since 2005 and am a Certified Dog Trainer (CDT), Certified Dog Trainer Advanced (CDTA) and a Professional Dog Trainer Instructor (PDTI) and a Certified Service Dog Trainer (CSDT)with this organization. In January of 2017, Kristi became one of only three individuals in the world certified by the International Association of Canine Professionals as a Certified Service Dog Trainer. I have served on the IACP Service Dog Committee since 2012 and served as Chairperson of the committee in 2014. With all of the fraud and/or improperly trained service dogs it is important that we set standards that do not trample on the rights of those disabled persons that require a service dog to mitigate their disabilities while educating business owners on what they can and cannot ask as well as what the appropriate behavior for a service animal is in the hopes that this will help reduce the amount of fraudulent or improperly trained service dogs. We developed an Internationally recognized Public Access Test for Service Dogs which was presented publicly at the International Association of Canine Professionals Annual Conference in September of 2018. Also developed the PAT Authorized Administration Test, a Test for Trainers to be able to administer the public access test. Hoping that this will assist in mitigating the Service dog fraud that is prevalent at this time. In 2017, I was recognized and granted the distinction as an Ambassador for the IACP (an IACP Ambassador is a member who embraces the standards of professionalism, helpfulness, kindness, open-mindness, and contributions that makes the IACP unique among all canine organizations).

I am also a Certified Canine Athlete Specialist (CCAS). Trained to evaluate, write and implement conditioning programs to assist pet, elite canine athletes and other working dogs in performing their jobs, doing sports, recovering from injuries, and preventing reinjury. This is all done in collaboration with the dogs’ veterinarian.
In 1988 I took an interest in Search and Rescue and have volunteered countless hours every year since, in this endeavor. During my years of involvement with SAR I have responded to numerous searches, nationally and internationally, that resulted in many finds and letters of commendation for service. In 1997 alone I responded to approximately 35 searches as a K-9 Team Leader and Handler of Sheik & Remington, which resulted in them having many finds. These finds included wilderness, water, urban, disaster, cadaver, evidence and bone identification. I began my SAR Career with the Kentucky Search Dog Association. I was instrumental in the formation of MARK-9 (Maricopa Association of Rescue K9’s) and Arizona Search Track and Rescue, Inc. (a non-profit organization) and have served in numerous capacities with both organizations. I also helped set some of the highest standards and testing & evaluation procedures for K-9′s and Handlers in the state with these organizations. Currently Arizona Search Track and Rescue, Inc. has some of the highest standards in the Nation. Since its inception, Arizona Search Track and Rescue, Inc. has responded to over 40 searches a year with approximately 98+ search days each year. I have trained 11 of my own dogs to Advanced Operational Levels and have assisted in the training of hundreds of other Operational SAR Dogs across the country. I currently have four operationally trained SAR dogs who are at advanced levels, as well as two young dogs at a basic Operational Level, working towards advanced certifications.
My AZ STaR Roles have included: Founder of AZ STaR in 1998, Board of Director President, Commander, Training Officer, Standards & Records Officer, Team Leader, Public Information Officer, Search Management, Lead Instructor, and Operational K9 Handler in the following disciplines: Airscent, Trailing, Cadaver, Water, Evidence and Human Remains Detection.
Outside of working my dogs, I volunteer many hours doing guest speaking, public appearances, demonstrations and working with youth and adult groups to educate them about wilderness safety as well as the capabilities of search dogs in various disciplines. Additionally, I became certified through The Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI) as a Dive Master (professional level diver) in 2010. I teach and assist in teaching scuba diving courses.
Other Professional Organizations
⦁ Professional Association of Diving Instructors, since 2010
⦁ Veterinary Health Care Team of Arizona; Past President, Director & Member since 2002
⦁ International Association of Canine Professionals, Professional Level member since 2005, Certified Dog Trainer, Certified Dog Trainer Advanced, Professional Dog Trainer Instructor, Certified Service Dog Trainer
⦁ Canine Political Action Committee; Member and Sponsor – 2007
⦁ National Association of Small Business Employers; since 2005
⦁ NASAR Member; since 1989 to 2008
⦁ American Red Cross Volunteer & Health and Safety Instructor; 2000 to 2006
⦁ American Belgian Tervuren Club: Member; 1989 – 2006, 2011 to present
⦁ Victoria Dog Obedience Club; Member / Trainer; 1982 to 2000
⦁ American Bloodhound Club, Member 2011 to present
Dog Related Work and Volunteer Activities
Dog Trainer U.S., LLC. 4-6-2020 to Present
Volunteer Mentor to 18 other Trainers, Assistant Trainers, Kennel Techs & Puppy Wranglers. Mentoring in all aspects of Husbandry and care of dogs, training, service dogs, therapy dogs, facility dogs and more to prepare them for becoming certified dog trainers.
Oversee & formulate research studies done by PhD staff and oversee Internet Technology staff.
Scent Detection Specialist
Assist with training and educating the clientele of the business as well.
K9-Games,AZ : 1/1/2018 – 4/5/2020
⦁ Head Trainer
⦁ Scent Detection Specialist
K9-Games, Inc: 2007- 12/31/2017
⦁ Head Trainer
⦁ Scent Detection Specialist
Who’s the Boss: 2005- 2/14/2007
⦁ Head Trainer
⦁ Scent Detection Specialist
Arizona Search Track and Rescue, Inc: 1998-Present
⦁ Search Management 2/98 – Present
⦁ SAR Dog Handler 2/98 – Present
⦁ Team leader 2/98 – Present
⦁ Training Officer 2/98 – Present
⦁ Commander 2/07 – Present
⦁ Training Instructor for Outside Programs & Presentations 2/98 – Present
⦁ Scent Detection Specialist 1998 – Present
Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office: 1993 – 1998
⦁ Desert Search Unit & Maricopa Association of Search Dogs (MARK-9)
⦁ SAR Dog Handler & Man-tracker for MCSO Desert Search Unit from 8-93 through 10-1996
⦁ Commander of MARK-9 (newly formed SAR K-9 unit) 10/96 – 9/97
⦁ SAR Dog Handler 8/93 – 5/98
⦁ Team leader 8/93 – 5/98
⦁ Scent Detection Specialist 1993 – 1998
Kentucky Search Dog Association, 1988 -1993 (active Member) 1993-2004 (Inactive Member)
⦁ Director, Secretary
⦁ Standards & Records Officer
⦁ Assistant Training Officer
⦁ Operational Level I & II Search Dog Handler
⦁ Overhead Management
⦁ Obedience Officer, and Assistant Obedience Officer
⦁ Assistant Class Instructor
Lexington Kennel Club, since 1989 – 2000
⦁ Member
⦁ Puppy Match Show Chairman
⦁ Obedience Chairman
⦁ Trophy Chairman
Speaking Engagements & Other
(all done pro-bono)
2018 – Present
Multiple Pod-Casts as an expert on Service Dogs, Scent work, Search and Rescue, Behavioral Modification and On-line educational presentations to Pet Parents, Service Dog related, Autism and other disabled individuals groups, Search and Rescue, other Dog Trainers
Presented via Zoom Platform the International Public Access Test to international audience on 11-9-2022
Speaker for the Association of Service Dog Providers for Military Veterans at Annual Conference in Virginia 7-23 thru 7-25-2018
Speaker and presentation of the Public Access Test at the International Association of Canine Professionals Annual Conference 9-16 thru 9-19-2018
Speaker and Presenter on multiple occasions between 1-1-2015 and present for the Arizona Veterinary Medical Association and Veterinary Health Care Team of Arizona on multiple subjects including Kennel 101, Canine Kinesics (Body language) and other topics.
Presenter 1-1-2015 to present – multiple Lunch & Learns at Various Veterinary Clinics in Arizona for Veterinarians and staff.
Awards & Other
The awards and Commendations that I have received include but are not limited to the following:
2023 Awards
The Marquis Who’s Who in America – Humanitarian
The Best of Phoenix Award
2022 Awards
2022 Best of Peoria for Managed non-profit Mentored Service
2021 Acknowledgement
Thank you from the LaPlata County Sheriff’s department (Durango, CO) in assisting with the search for Dylan Redwine in 2013 & 2014, locating initial remains identified by CBI as Dylan Redwine resulting in the conviction of his father for his murder.
2017 Awards
Recognized by the International Association of Canine Professionals as an IACP Ambassador. This Award is given to members who embrace the standards of professionalism, helpfulness, kindness, open-mindness, and contributions that makes the IACP unique among all canine organizations
2015 Awards & Letters
Veterinary Health Care Team of Arizona, November 2015 “MVP Award” in recognition of Exemplary and Valuable Contributions as a Distinguished Leader, Director and an Officer
Thank you, Letter from the Barona Indian Tribe and Gray & Gray Investigations for the Elijah “Running Bear” Diaz Search,
2013 Letters of Appreciation
⦁ La Plata County Sheriff’s Office – Redwine Search
⦁ Mike Histand – search for his son, Brian Histand
⦁ Susan Lakoff – Search for her missing son, Timothy Waugaman
⦁ Salinas Family – for our efforts in assisting with the Adrienne Salinas search
⦁ Culolias Family – four our efforts in assisting with the Jack Culolias search
American Kennel Club, 2012 ACE Awards
Keahi, one of the SAR dogs that I handler was nominated by several individuals and selected as the AKC ACE Award Winner for 2012 Search and Rescue Dog of the Year.
American Kennel Club, 2011 ACE Awards
Keahi, one of the SAR dogs that I handle was nominated by Barb Mair, from Chicago, Illinois for this prestigious award for her exemplary efforts in SAR and as a Therapy Dog to not only people but to other dogs.
American Kennel Club, 2011 ACE Awards
Keahi, one of the SAR dogs that I handle was nominated by Kelly Snyder, a Private Investigator from Arizona for this prestigious award for her exemplary efforts in SAR on the many cases that we have worked for this investigator.
American Kennel Club, 2011 ACE Awards
Keahi, one of the SAR dogs that I handle was nominated by Leagh Hearon, a Private Investigator from Washingon State for this prestigious award for her exemplary efforts in SAR and in particular a high profile Murder Case in Anacortes, Washington
2012 Letters of Appreciation
Colorado Springs PD in regards to Deborah Herifort
Family of Deborah Heriford
2010 Letters of Appreciation
Leigh Hearon for efforts in regards to the search for Mark Stover
Multiple Investigators and Family of Lorene Bardy
Family of Lindsay Baum
RCMP & Family of Maddie Scott
Veterinary Health Care Team of Arizona May 2009
Kristi Smith, CVT, Presidents Award for Outstanding Leadership, Dedication and Commitment to the Veterinary Profession
Letters of Appreciation from The Turner & McCaffrey Families
Kristi and Keahi for their exemplary efforts in managing and searching in the Hugh Turner search for Mesa Police Departments Missing Persons Unit.
Arizona Veterinary Medical Profession: 2008-2009
AZVMA – My search dog Chance was named as Arizona’s Inductee into the Pet Hall of Fame, October 2006 at the Wild West Veterinary Conference in Reno, Nevada
Veterinary Health Care Team of Arizona May 2006:
Kristi Smith, CVT, Award for contributions to the association and service to the Veterinary Medical Profession
Shelton Family: 2004
Letter of Appreciation to Kristi Smith for my assistance with the Joan Shelton Search in the Santa Catalina Mountains on May 1, 2004
Del Monte Fresh Produce:
Multiple Letters of appreciation to Kristi Smith and Remington for their assistance with the Pedro Corzo Search, Jan, 11, 2004
White Mountain Indian Tribal Council:
Letter of Appreciation to Kristi Smith, Remington and Chance for their assistance with the Rupert Thompson Search September 27-2002
American Red Cross – Grand Canyon Chapter:
⦁ Outstanding Service to the Community, 2002
⦁ Letter of Commendation to Kristi Smith for Outstanding Service to the Community and for her efforts in response to the Rodeo-Chediski Wildfire Disaster, 2002
⦁ 2002 Certificate of Appreciation, American Red Cross, Arizona Rocks Convention Volunteer
⦁ 2002 Certificate of Appreciation, American Red Cross, Northeast AZ Wildfires
National Center for Missing & Exploited Children:
⦁ Letter of appreciation for their assistance with the multiple Mikelle Biggs searches that have occurred from March 31, 2001 through March 17, 2003
⦁ 2002 – Human Remains Detection Dog Training – SAR Dog Foundry & American Detector Dogs
⦁ Letter of appreciation to Kristi Smith, Sheik and Remington for their assistance with the “Coolidge Incident” November 27, 2000
Grand Canyon National Park Service:
Letter of appreciation to Kristi Smith and Sheik for their assistance with the Phantom Creek Flash Flood September 13, 1997 through September 16, 1997
Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office:
⦁ Outstanding Service to the Community, 1996
⦁ Outstanding Service to the Community, 1997
Maricopa Association of Rescue K-9′s, Maricopa County Sheriff’s Dept.:
⦁ Certificate of Achievement to Kristi Smith & Sheik (SAR K-9) for Outstanding Service to the Community, 1997
⦁ Certificate of Achievement to Kristi Smith & Remington (SAR K-9) for Outstanding Service to the Community, 1997
⦁ “Nose of the Desert Award” presented to Sheik & Remington
Coconino County Sheriff’s Department:
⦁ Letter of Commendation for Kristi Smith & Sheik for the Antelope Canyon Incident, 1997
⦁ Office of Emergency Services, Group III, Arizona Wing, Civil Air Patrol:
⦁ Letter of Commendation for Kristi Smith & Sheik for their presentation and demonstration of The use SAR K-9′s in a Missing Person Incident, 1997
Samaritan Health Systems:
Letter of Commendation to Kristi Smith & Sheik for their presentation and demonstration of SAR K-9′s, 1996, 1997
City of Phoenix Police Department:
Letter of Commendation for Kristi Smith & Sheik for the Brad Hanson Incident, 1995
Kentucky Search Dog Association:
Award for Outstanding Service to The Kentucky Search Dog Association, 1993
Victoria Dog Obedience Club:
Award to Kristi Smith & Sheik (SAR K-9) for their “Special Efforts in Search and Rescue”, 1992
2014 Letter of Appreciation
Letter of Appreciation from the La Plata County Sheriff’s Department (Durango CO) re: Dylan Redwine search and location of remains identified by CBI as his.
2013 Letters of Appreciation
⦁ La Plata County Sheriff’s Office – Redwine Search
⦁ Mike Histand – search for his son, Brian Histand
⦁ Susan Lakoff – Search for her missing son, Timothy Waugaman
⦁ Salinas Family – for our efforts in assisting with the Adrienne Salinas search
⦁ Culolias Family – four our efforts in assisting with the Jack Culolias search
American Kennel Club, 2012 ACE Awards
Keahi, one of the SAR dogs that I handler was nominated by several individuals and selected as the AKC ACE Award Winner for 2012 Search and Rescue Dog of the Year.
American Kennel Club, 2011 ACE Awards
Keahi, one of the SAR dogs that I handle was nominated by Barb Mair, from Chicago, Illinois for this prestigious award for her exemplary efforts in SAR and as a Therapy Dog to not only people but to other dogs.
American Kennel Club, 2011 ACE Awards
Keahi, one of the SAR dogs that I handle was nominated by Kelly Snyder, a Private Investigator from Arizona for this prestigious award for her exemplary efforts in SAR on the many cases that we have worked for this investigator.
American Kennel Club, 2011 ACE Awards
Keahi, one of the SAR dogs that I handle was nominated by Leagh Hearon, a Private Investigator from Washingon State for this prestigious award for her exemplary efforts in SAR and in particular a high profile Murder Case in Anacortes, Washington
2012 Letters of Appreciation
Colorado Springs PD in regards to Deborah Heriford
Family of Deborah Heriford
2010 Letters of Appreciation
Leigh Hearon for efforts in regards to the search for Mark Stover
Multiple Investigators and Family of Lorene Bardy
Family of Lindsay Baum
RCMP & Family of Maddie Scott
Veterinary Health Care Team of Arizona May 2009
Kristi Smith, CVT, Presidents Award for Outstanding Leadership, Dedication and Commitment to the Veterinary Profession
Letters of Appreciation from The Turner & McCaffrey Families
Kristi and Keahi for their exemplary efforts in managing and searching in the Hugh Turner search for Mesa Police Departments Missing Persons Unit.
Arizona Veterinary Medical Profession: 2008-2009
AZVMA – My search dog Chance was named as Arizona’s Inductee into the Pet Hall of Fame, October 2006 at the Wild West Veterinary Conference in Reno, Nevada
Veterinary Health Care Team of Arizona May 2006:
Kristi Smith, CVT, Award for contributions to the association and service to the Veterinary Medical Profession
Shelton Family: 2004
Letter of Appreciation to Kristi Smith for my assistance with the Joan Shelton Search in the Santa Catalina Mountains on May 1, 2004
Del Monte Fresh Produce:
Multiple Letters of appreciation to Kristi Smith and Remington for their assistance with the Pedro Corzo Search, Jan, 11, 2004
White Mountain Indian Tribal Council:
Letter of Appreciation to Kristi Smith, Remington and Chance for their assistance with the Rupert Thompson Search September 27-2002
American Red Cross – Grand Canyon Chapter:
⦁ Outstanding Service to the Community, 2002
⦁ Letter of Commendation to Kristi Smith for Outstanding Service to the Community and for her efforts in response to the Rodeo-Chediski Wildfire Disaster, 2002
⦁ 2002 Certificate of Appreciation, American Red Cross, Arizona Rocks Convention Volunteer
⦁ 2002 Certificate of Appreciation, American Red Cross, Northeast AZ Wildfires
National Center for Missing & Exploited Children:
⦁ Letter of appreciation for their assistance with the multiple Mikelle Biggs searches that have occurred from March 31, 2001 through March 17, 2003
⦁ 2002 – Human Remains Detection Dog Training – SAR Dog Foundry & American Detector Dogs
⦁ Letter of appreciation to Kristi Smith, Sheik and Remington for their assistance with the “Coolidge Incident” November 27, 2000
Grand Canyon National Park Service:
Letter of appreciation to Kristi Smith and Sheik for their assistance with the Phantom Creek Flash Flood September 13, 1997 through September 16, 1997
Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office:
⦁ Outstanding Service to the Community, 1996
⦁ Outstanding Service to the Community, 1997
Maricopa Association of Rescue K-9′s, Maricopa County Sheriff’s Dept.:
⦁ Certificate of Achievement to Kristi Smith & Sheik (SAR K-9) for Outstanding Service to the Community, 1997
⦁ Certificate of Achievement to Kristi Smith & Remington (SAR K-9) for Outstanding Service to the Community, 1997
⦁ “Nose of the Desert Award” presented to Sheik & Remington
Coconino County Sheriff’s Department:
⦁ Letter of Commendation for Kristi Smith & Sheik for the Antelope Canyon Incident, 1997
⦁ Office of Emergency Services, Group III, Arizona Wing, Civil Air Patrol:
⦁ Letter of Commendation for Kristi Smith & Sheik for their presentation and demonstration of The use SAR K-9′s in a Missing Person Incident, 1997
Samaritan Health Systems:
Letter of Commendation to Kristi Smith & Sheik for their presentation and demonstration of SAR K-9′s, 1996, 1997
City of Phoenix Police Department:
Letter of Commendation for Kristi Smith & Sheik for the Brad Hanson Incident, 1995
Kentucky Search Dog Association:
Award for Outstanding Service to The Kentucky Search Dog Association, 1993
Victoria Dog Obedience Club:
Award to Kristi Smith & Sheik (SAR K-9) for their “Special Efforts in Search and Rescue”, 1992